VCI Emitter
VCI Emitters are designed to emit VCI gas to form an invisible layer of protection on metal surfaces to prevent any electrical or electronic parts within an enclosure from corrosion for at least two years.
VCI Foam Emitter
V.C.I. Foam Emitter is Vapour Corrosion Inhibitor impregnated foam. This V.C.I. foam emitter is particularly suitable for corrosion protection of enclosures holding electrical gear, relays, contactors, switches, electronic assemblies and connectors. The vapours do not increase contact resistance in relays and switches and will not affect the characteristics of insulating materials, including high voltage corona or carbon tracking. Use one device for 1 cu.ft enclosed space.
VCI Foam Tape
VCI Foam Tape is black polyurethane foam impregnated with vapour corrosion inhibitor. It is designed for protection of ferrous and non-ferrous metals against corrosion in long and narrow enclosures. It comes with a 3M self-adhesive backing and provides up to 2 years of continuous protection for ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
VCI Foam Pad
VCI-Foam-Pad is a unique packaging product that combines the cushioning, resiliency and lightweight characteristics of polyethylene foam sheet together with the proven, built in, active and long term corrosion protection provided by Vappro inhibitors.
VCI Tablets
VCI-Tablets is a unique flexible fused plastic of 0.5 inch square, into which a formulation of volatile corrosion inhibitors have been incorporated. The inhibitors through volatilization counteract the corrosive effects of humidity, salt and pollutants on packaged iron, steel, aluminium, copper and brass surfaces without compromising any of their mechanical or electrical properties.
Our Location
41/1561-3, Landmark Building
Palakkad, Kerala - +91 9847603858
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