Herbal and Cosmetic Products

Our Herbal & Organic product range has been infused with high-quality Hemp and CBD. The products have been developed to address various healthcare and wellness issues that include Skin Care, Facial Care, Digestive and Colon Support, Immune Support, etc. The product line ranges from CBD-infused Soothing Creams, Essential Oils, Organic foods, to Sun Creams and Insect repellent, as well as Pet-food and Pet-health products with CBD extracts.

From production to packaging, all brands in our portfolio follow the best practices stringently to ensure the ideal results. This makes our products one of the safest and most effective, for both humans and pets.

Our skincare formulas are specially formulated using potent Ayurvedic herbs and life-giving plant waters to bring lasting results.

Our philosophy towards hair-care is centered around using the most nutrient-rich plant oils to nourish the scalp as prescribed in Ayurveda. We use no mineraloil, silicones or sulphates in our haircare products.

Soft Cardamom Jam

• Ayush premium mark accredited product.

• An ideal therapeutic regimen for common cold and influenza.

• Free from Sedatives, Antihistamines, Narcotics, Afflatoxins and heavy metals.

• The mucolytic and expectorant properties reduce the viscosity of bronchial secretion and facilitate expectoration.

• The anti allergic, anti microbial and immuno modulator properties restores immunity.

Soft Cardamom Cough Syrup

• Provides relief from smokers cough, irritant cough allergic cough, productive and dry cough.

• The expectorant and mucolytic properties reduce the viscosity of bronchial secretion and promote expectoration.

• It soothens the irriated respiratory tract and reduces related bronchospasm.

• The anti allergic, antimicrobial and immuno modulator properties eliminate the upper respiratory tract pathogens.

• Restores immunity against common cold and influenza.

Soft Cardamom Sugar Free Cough Syrup
• Provides relief from cough of varied aetiologies.

• Since no sugar is added the formulation can be safely taken by diabetic patients.

• The expectorant and mucolytic properties reduce the viscosity of bronchial secretion and promote expectoration.

Soft Cardamom Paediatric Cough Syrup

• Ideal paediatric cough syrup for quick relief from dry and productive cough and sore throat.

• Free from sedatives, antihstamines and narcotics.

• 100% Natural and safe.

• Contains honey, Tulsi, Vacha, Pippali and other immuno boosters.

Soft Cardamom Chewable Tablet
• Ayush Premium Mark accredited product.

• Free from Sedatives, Antihistamines, Narcotics, Aflatoxins and heavy metals.

• 100% Natural and safe.

• Tasty and easy to consume.

• Quick relief from cough and cold.

• Arrests the bouts of cough and soothens the irritated respiratory tract.

Soft Cardamom Lehyam Granules
• Effective for fast relief from cold and cough.

• Good palatability and taste.

• Fast absorption so quick result.

Soft Coconut Rasayanam Jam
• Herbal postnatal care tonic.

• Ideal for post natal convalescence, run-down condition in young and old, low back pain, muscle cramps and pain.

• Increases milk secretion.

• Prevents the postnatal anxiety and tension.

Soft Memory Rich Plus Jam
• Improves intelligence, memory and concentration

• Effective in stress related anxiety disorders and mental fatigue.

• Improves articulation and corrects speech defects.

• Improves immune systems.

• The drug is found to be very effective in supportive therapy for mild to moderate mental retardation and as an adjuvant in epilepsy, Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease.

Soft Pain Relief Oil
• Relieves Headache, Body ache, Low back pain, Sciatica, Muscle cramps, Joint pains, Rheumatic arthritis, Spondilitis, Sprains, Sport injuries rtc.

• No systemic absorption hence no side effects.

• Soothens the inflamed nerves and relaxes the skeletal muscle from spasm.

• Arrests the inflammations and swelling at joints.

Soft Gooseberry Hair Care
• Promote the growth of thick, strong, shining black hair.

• Prevents premature graying and breaking of hair.

• Removes dandruff.

• Relieves head ache.

Soft Coconut Eye Drops
• Uses as eye drop in conjunctivitis, both acute and chronic.

• Useful also in blepharitis and inflammation of the eyes.

Soft Joint Pain Releif Oil
• Quick relief from Back pain, Muscular pains, Joint pain, Stiff neck and Lumbago.

• No added colours or perfumes.

• Non greasy and easily penetrating to skin

• Remains no stein.

Soft Pain Relief Balm
• Quick relief from Rheumatic pains, Backache, Muscular pains, Joint pains.

• Effective for Stiff neck, Lumbago and Headache.

• Deep penetrating and quick acting.

Soft Rasayanam Ultra
• Highly effective for vata imbalance disorders like Paraplegia, Loss of strength and pain.

• It helps to gain weight.

• Relaxes hip pain and abdominal pain due to menstruation.

• Useful in head tremors and Parkinson’s disease.

Soft Health Care Jam
• A well known Rasayana and aphrodisiac with the power of Aswagandha.

• Used as a general health improver and cures blood disorders.

• Useful in conditions of Piles and Emaciation / Cachexia.

• Effective for Syphilis / Soft chancre.

Soft Stress Care Oil
• A well known Rasayana which rejuvenates body and mind.

• Delays aging and recovers from tiredness.

• Effective for cough and Dyspnoea / Asthma and Heart disease.

Soft Energy Booster Oil
• Traditional post natal care combination

• Useful for bleeding disorders and uterine problems.

• Increases hemoglobin count.

• Good for lactation and energy.

Soft Dravakam Ultra
• A time tested combination of raasna and mahishaasthi.

• Very effective for rheumatic problems.

• Reduces joint pain and swelling due to rheumatic complaints.

Soft Pain Relief Oil
• Effective for vata imbalanced conditions like body ache, head ache and Parkinsons disease.

• Best choice for hemiplegia, paraplegia, degenerative diseases of bone and bone marrow.

Soft Green Gram Powder
• Natural herbal protection for skin and hair.

• Promotes hair growth and acts as a good conditioner.

• Rejuvenates skin by nourishing and exfoliating it.

• Removes dead skin cells and brightens up the texture of skin.

• Act as a good face pack and scrubber

• Rich in vitamin A, C and antioxidants.

Soft Digestive Drink
• Ideal choice for preparing herbal medicated water.

• An effective preparation for quenching thirst .

• It purifies blood and facilities easy digestion.

• Rich with herbs having diuretic, cooling and antioxidant properties.

Soft Camphor Skin Care Paste
• Highly effective for skin diseases.

• Reduces rashes and allergic dermatitis.

• Easily absorbing and non – greasy.

Soft Saffron Face Care Oilment

• A safe herbal formulation for pimples and black spots.

• The richness of saffron and sandal tones the facial skin without allergy.

• No bleach present.

• Remains no oil content or wax over face after application.

• Easily absorbable and blended with vanishing cream.

Soft Care Granules
• An effective remedy for bronchits.

• Highly effective in dry, cold and productive cough conditions.

• Stimulates bronchodilation and there by soothens breathing discomfort.

• Easily palatable and tasty.

• Useful for all age groups.

Soft Memory Rich Granules
• A tasty medicated formula especially for children.

• Highly effective for the improvement of intelligence and concentration power.

• Revitalises sense organs and memory power.

• Rich combination of Brahmi and Vidamga.

Soft Bone Care Capsule
• Rich combination for rheumatic disorders with the added benefit of Sallaki and Guggulu.

• Manages daily mobility effectively

• Good palatability.

Soft Diabetes Care
• Best herbal combination for the effective management of diabetes.

• Easy absorption, so fast results.

• Purely natural without side effects.

Soft Skin Care Oil
• A pure time tested herbal blend with the richness of saffron and sandal wood.

• Highly effective for pigmentation disorders of skin.

• Cures acne vulgaris, Non elevated mole, congenital mole and papilloma of skin.

• Protection over dark shades on face due to stress and localized hyper pigmentation of skin.

Soft Ayurvedic Face Cream
• Provides clean, glowing flawless skin

• Softens and smoothes

• Minimizes signs of aging

• Nourishes without greasiness

Soft Anti Pigmentation Face Pack
• Reduces pigmentation, dark spots and blemishes

• Provides an even tone and radiant skin

• Uplifts the skin and soul

• Heals through Aromatherapy

Soft Anti Pigmentation Facial Oil
• Reduces dark patches, blemishes and tan

• Enhances radiance and glow

• Uplifts the skin and soul

• Heals through Aromatherapy

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